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Hey Manch: I'd Rather Stand on my Conscience Than Fund Your Violence


Join Ademo Freeman & friends
January 9th – 10:30AM – Manchester District Court

On June 4th I was one of eight arrested outside the Manchester Police Department when at a pro-police accountability event. I was alleged to have been “disorderly” – twice. Over six months later, I was told I was “guilty” of violating an ordinance and told to pay a 248 FRN ransom.

From Garret Ean:

Pete Eyre, was found guilty at the non-criminal violation level of one of the two charges. Interestingly enough, the charge he was convicted on was not the reason for his arrest, but was attached later. John Patti, who ordered Pete’s arrest but was my arresting officer, arrested us for allegedly refusing an order regarding a city ordinance violation. Neither the order nor the basis of the order were substantiated in court, yet Pete was, retroactively, in a sense, found guilty of having been in the “crime scene” and having been ordered out of it. The disorderly conduct statute is so over broad that you are automatically guilty at the violation level if you have been given what is considered a “lawful order”. By refusing the order, you are then guilty at the criminal level.

Order of events:

  • March 3rd, 2010 – Christopher Michlovich is beaten by four off-duty Manchester PD employees (Jonathan Duchesne, Matthew Jajuga and Michael Buckley, and Ernie Goodno). An internal investigation exonerated the actions of the four aggressors. Tom Clark (city solicitor) toed the “official” line.
  • May 25th, 2011 – Michael Delaney (NH attorney general) states that the Michlovich beating was “not the Manchester police department’s finest hour” but will not pursue charges against those responsible.
  • June 4th, 2011 – individuals gather outside Manchester PD to voice concerns about the lack of accountability, eight were arrested and nine phones/cameras were seized
  • October 24th, 2011 – Pete Eyre has court at Manchester District, two class b misdemeanor disorderly conduct threats, ordered to submit “memo of law” to support points argued
  • November 10th – “memo of law” deadline, document was received days prior
  • December 27th – William H. Lyons (aka “the court”) says Eyre is not guilty of the two disorderlies but is guilty of a violation. Ransom is set at 248 FRNs.
  • December 29th – Eyre calls “the court” to inquire how to sit the time rather than pay the ransom

I self-describe as a voluntaryist and therefore don’t want to fund the violence of the state. The state – to be specific – is just a bad idea. Everything its actors do is destructive and if not immoral, inefficient. The initiation of force, censorship, and control are its only tools.

So, I may sit at Valley Street for four days. I’ll have time to brainstorm. Read. Maybe workout. And, unless they keep me segregated, time to have conversations with other individuals harmed due to the belief in the bad idea that grants some a “legitimate” right to use force, as well as those who pretend their costume allows them to do actions wrong for you or me.

The greater the number of laws and enactments, the more thieves and robbers there will be.
– Lao Tsu

On the phone Kim even said most people “just pay.” What if everyone didn’t? What if no one took plea deals? What if everyone realized that they have nothing to fear if they’ve done nothing wrong?

Screen shot 2011 12 29 at 9.48.07 PM 300x285 Hey Manch: I'd Rather Stand on my Conscience Than Fund Your ViolenceI think it’d be a lot better world.

State vs. Garret Ean: NOT GUILTY on FreeConcord.org
“The Tiny Dot”
by Larken Rose

A couple of the Manchester PD employees told me they’d meet me for a bite after the conclusion of this round in legal land. (As I did with Keene PD employee Jim Cemorelis.) Let’s see if they hold true to their word.

Thanks for reading. Hey Manch: I'd Rather Stand on my Conscience Than Fund Your Violence is a post from Pete Eyre

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